Bill Hadsell
Amy Hadsell
Better 1/2 - Styling & Operations
Winnie & Nellie
Guardians of the Studio
The color, the smell, the oiliness, thin and thick, the drum and scratch, the dryness and beauty of a fresh canvas, the hope, anticipation, its magical, spiritual. Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes in the studio. I work from memory, even while standing right in front of a subject - I try to find on canvas an impression left - extract it.
It begins with noticing; its more than seeing - mentally taking notes. At times its simply overwhelming, constantly learning how to organize and simplify, how to convey - finding the story. Every time, this process takes on a life of its own at a certain point and then carries one with it. Get started and get out of the way.
Color and composition, value and contrast, brush and knife, strokes become a blur of motion and instinct, a complete loss of time and senses. Loose abstractions, tighter at times - rendering where appropriate. I use brush, knife, finger, rag, whatever is necessary.
I don’t know how to classify my work - leave that to others.
Bill lives and works in Saint Johns, Florida. Married to Amy with three children (Piper, Forrest and Dylan) and our Goldens (Nellie and Winnie). Raised in Florida but have lived all over the United States, settling back home in 2020.
Educated: Atlanta College of Fine Art / Savannah College of Art & Design
Inspiration: God, Clyde Aspevig, Scott Christensen, Mark Rothko, Richard Musgraves-Evans